Saturday, July 29, 2006 - "Housing Production Continues to Increase in June" (7-28-06)

"Housing starts continued to climb in June, suggesting that production is on target to reach expected levels for the year, the California Building Industry Association announced today."

"In June, building permits were pulled for 12,292 single-family homes statewide, up 2.9 percent from the previous month. It’s the fifth straight month-over-month gain in single-family production, according to statistics compiled by the Burbank-based Construction Industry Research Board."

"Multifamily housing starts — condos and apartments — totaled 6,883, up 97.6 percent from the previous month, however multifamily starts tend to be more volatile than single-family starts on a monthly basis. Overall for the month, builders pulled permits for 19,175 homes and apartments, up 24.3 percent from the previous month."

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